Upcoming Workshops

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Raja Yoga One

A course born from all the yogas, organized under the system of Ashtanga, 8 Limbs of Yoga. There is no one path to healing and enlightenment. There is only your path […]

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Survival Context Workshop

Survival Context Workshop Our level of awareness is put to the test. Our values and principles are put to the test. Our level of empathy and compassion are put to the test. And most importantly, our willingness to actually do something, and actually doing it, is put to the test. It’s time we ask ourselves […]

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Kambo Hybrid Training in East Coast of USA

Kambo Training Hybrid Training ONLY 8 Spots This is a hybrid course requiring both online classroom and in-person after classroom. 12 Week Online Zoom Classes -all recorded so participants can download and have for future reference. This is where we go over all the things to have time to dive deep in each section from […]

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Awareness Principles on Being Workshop

Awareness Principles on Being Workshop In this workshop you will learn a few simple awareness strategies to enhance your ways of being and quality of life. These practices taught here are some of the quickest ways to shift mindset, gain clarity, and discover what kind of breakdown is necessary for you to breakthrough to the […]


The Art of Emotional Integration

This workshop is a must for psychedelic integration

A 7 week program designed to release suppressed emotions and learn healthy emotional expression for a more balanced life!

In this workshop you will learn